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Framing the challenge 

We work closely with you and your team to identify your specific challenges. Together with you, we define what you are trying to accomplish and how to make that happen.

Create a roadmap

Our priority is to gain an intimate understanding of your needs. To do this, we combine research with interviews of your management, marketing and sales teams. This enables us can create a roadmap and solution that addresses your situation. 

The right solution for you

We can build CRM applications to improve your lead management.  Or manage your relationship with clients. Our multidisciplinary team  can guide you every step of the way -  from concept to development.

Optimization, design & content

We see the words in your content flows and sales funnels as an important element in design. To make the most of your online strategies, we also offer design and content services. Or if you prefer, we can work with your in-house team.

Challenges facing Dream Hotels

With now in the tours and activity business, luxury hotels like Dream need to re-think how they engage and connect with their guests.  Hotels can no longer wait for guests to arrive to begin the customer engagement process. 
Guests at upscale hotels are more demanding than ever. They want to feel special, pampered and appreciated. They expect one-to-one communications with the hotel before, during and after their stay.  

Technical support 



We can help you manage your applications on an ongoing basis. In addition, we can provide technical support so you can optimize and continuously improve your applications. 

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Channel Affairs - KNSM-Laan 93- 1019 LB Amsterdam - The Netherlands - +31 20 894 6391 - © 2020 Channel Affairs

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